Wednesday 7 September 2011

Summer Jobs

You may want to have a job or an internship this summer. There are many summer jobs for students, but in most cases do not pay at all, but you can gain experience in your great and look great on your resume. Many times the company that provided your student summer jobs program will hire you if you are higher.

If you end up with the free summer, why not enjoy the holidays and long work experience abroad by a summer internship? It could be that you want to teach a popular activity in your (ski or scuba perhaps) or you are looking for something a little less stressful - to say picking fruit or au pair in the Mediterranean. By working abroad, you must show your independence and sense of adventure to your future employers, and of course, you will be able to add some sort of language skills to your resume (if you make an effort to communicate with the indigenous peoples abroad). If your language skills are already highly developed, consider working in a hotel - home jobs is often open during the summer months, as increased levels of tourism means that there is often a strong demand for staff - it's a great job too much responsibility, so be sure to check!

Be aware that this is not absolutely necessary that you go abroad to gain international experience - what to teach English in England? Being a native, you're already qualified for all that's left to do is find a school! If you already have experience in another language, ideal. For example, you use the Spanish you learned in school to teach English to the Spanish people in a language school in Spain, practice your language skills to explain English grammar yet able to return to your comfortable home family in the evening - and certainly the best of both worlds!

No matter how you decide to invest their time in the summer, a summer job or summer, make sure you are enjoying it! Whether to make money or gain experience, summer vacation and the time available outside of class during the academic year and so it is hard to be sure not to miss!

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